
Posts Tagged ‘memories’

How do you use a moment of success to make everybody love you and want you back for your next big moment?

That is what marketing is supposed to be about. Close the deal in a way they love you.  And as I said before, marketing can learn a lot from real life heroes. – Original Post

Someone linked me to this guy’s blog, recently, where I found this gem, among others. This “moment” he’s talking about is mostly the stuff of fiction, of well-scripted, well-played scenes that don’t seem to happen in everyday life. So, in keeping the theme of this blog, I’ve compiled a list of movie moments that, I think, demonstrate what the quote is getting at. “Marketing can learn a lot from real-life heroes.” Potential “real-life heroes” can learn a lot from fiction. So, here we go, in no particular order, though my favorites are 1, 3, 6, 7.

1. Before Sunrise

2. 10 Things I Hate About You

3. Annie Hall

4. The Wedding Singer

5. When Harry Met Sally

6. Let The Right One In

7. In The Mood For Love

8. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

9. Spiderman

10. Breakfast At Tiffany’s

These “moments” can be subtle gestures that work at us slowly, tiny seductions that lead us away, and create memories in ways that don’t always capture our attention in the moment.  They can also be grandiose gestures that assault our attention and occupy a piece of our memory for years to come. Give me both.

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